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Frequent questions
  • What is your Inspiration for KnotzNLocs?
    KnotzNLocs was birthed when I realized I've been suffering from a behavioral condition called Dermatillomania. Dermatillomania is a body focused repetitive behavior also known as Skin Picking Disorder. Since as long as I can remember I have struggled with this condition; and KnotzNLocs was born when I realized I needed to find a hobby that kept my hands from picking myself apart-literally. The journey of KnotzNLocs has evolved from the beginning; what started as a simply hobby transformed into a life long calling and soul purpose of developing original talismanic medicine crafted from intention towards healing and well being. Since 2015 I have been designing artwork with passion, purity, and potency. I have created thousands of amulets and adornments and have shipped my work to every single state in the US and to dozens of countries worldwide ! It truly is my delight and honor to weave authentic and genuine creations into this world.
  • How do I care for my amulet?
    With tender love. KnotzNLocs strives to provide quality, intentional talismans and products that are designed to be appreciated and taken care of with grace. It is encouraged to be gentle and loving with your KnotzNLocs adornments to keep them in the best shape and so they last for a lifetime! In addition, I recommend avoiding liquid contact; keeping her as dry as possible. Also please avoid wearing your talisman while resting/sleeping~ tugging and pulling can damage your adornment. I recommend intentionally placing your talisman in a designated pouch, hung up on the wall/jewelry box, or placed nicely on a nightstand/dresser while not being worn.
  • What if my amulet breaks over time?
    These healing amulets are strong yet simultaneously fragile. You're going to want to take care of her as you would a sacred tool/instrument. In the event that your talisman experiences damage or premature wear and tear within 3 months of purchase; i will fix her up no charge ! after 3 months after purchase; repairs will be evaluated with an appropriate cost to fix and repair :)
  • How can i have an order custom made for me?
    I now offer 5 commissioned adornments per month. On my 'Shop' tab, scroll down until you see the listing for "custom", once you click that, there will be information to go over, and then a 50$ deposit that will be deducted from your final payment. Once you place your order for a customized KnotzNLocs adornment; I will reach out via email to collect more information and consult with you over your visions and ideas.
  • What materials are used in the creation process?
    KnotzNLocs utilizes natural, genuine and quality gemstones in all works of art. I primarily use organic hemp cord for wearable talismans, and weave with a synthetic cord for home decor, this is because synthetic is stronger and therefore better for the additional weight that is involved in a home decor piece.
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